The stimulus from acupuncture needling creates a cascade of signalling throughout the connective tissue (fascia) involving blood, nerves and the immune system.

Acupuncture Can Treat:

  • Fertility: Male and Female

  • Women’s Health: menstrual cycle issues, menopause, pregnancy, hormone regulation, PCOS, endometriosis

  • Men’s Health: ED, PE, fertility/sperm health, BPH

  • Pain: back, shoulder, knee, hip, neck, sciatica, migraine, headaches

  • Stress, anxiety, depression

  • Insomnia

How does it work?

Acupuncture’s mechanisms affect your body’s internal systems of healing, regulation, homeostasis, and allostasis. This means there is a wonderful system of healing that works with the body’s natural systems and gives you simple tools to improve your health. 

Acupuncture promotes blood flow by moving blood which contains oxygen, nutrients, immune substances, hormones, and natural pain-killers.

Acupuncture reduces stress by regulating the parasympathetic nervous system to promote restoration and healing.

Acupuncture stimulates the body’s built-in healing mechanisms and supports the body’s ability to restore homeostasis.

Acupuncture releases natural painkillers such as endorphins, norepinephrine and enkephalin, more powerful than morphine.

Acupuncture relaxes shortened muscles to release pressure on joint structures and nerves, to reduce pain, promote blood flow and stimulate healing.


Benefits of Acupuncture: 

  • Elevated energy levels

  • Hormone regulation

  • Improved sleep quality and quantity

  • Reduced stress response

  • Pain reduction and management

  • Stabilized moods

Clinical studies have observed several physiological effects of acupuncture, including increased circulation, decreased inflammation, relief from pain, relief of muscle spasms, and increased T-cell count, which stimulates the immune system. This is why acupuncture works well for so many things from pain to inflammation, immune system regulation, to women’s health and fertility, as well as anxiety and depression.