Pain and Chronic Conditions
Shoulder and neck pain/dysfunction, sciatica, chronic lower back pain, pelvic pain, knee pain, sports injury, repetitive strain injury, painful menstruation, headaches/migraines, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, TMJ, fibromyalgia, nausea
Pain can start with a specific injury (sports, work-related, home life) or very commonly sneak up over time due to work conditions, poor posture or other aspect of daily life. Other people are affected by a condition (rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, TMJ, etc) through no fault of their own that can cause great discomfort and pain. It can affect our lives profoundly, making it difficult to manage even the basic necessities, as well as impacting our mental and emotional health and relationships.
Regular acupuncture treatments can reduce pain over time by improving blood flow and healing, supporting the release of our body's natural pain killers (endorphins), and loosening tense or restricted muscles to allow for better circulation and healing. It is essential to have primary care for chronic or acute pain management, such as your doctor, surgeon or other health practitioner. However, acupuncture can be an incredible addition to regular care, helping to speed up healing and reduce reliance on prescriptions medications.
Typically 4-8 treatments are required to address chronic or acute pain, with Electroacupuncture and cupping to support the healing process. After an initial course of weekly or 2/weekly treatments, monthly or biweekly maintenance treatments are an excellent option for longterm pain reduction.
Sexual Health
MEN: Chronic/acute pain, prostatitis, sperm health, erectile dysfunction, IVF preparation and support, premature ejaculation, CPPS
WOMEN: Fertility, pregnancy, morning sickness/nauseaIVF preparation and support, PCOS, endometriosis, painful period, heavy menstruation, unexplained infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, advanced maternal age, pelvic pain
For men or women. Infertility can be a result of several different factors including advanced age, diminished ovarian reserve, male factor and sperm health, as well as unexplained infertility (perhaps the most frustrating), endometriosis or PCOS. The stress of infertility can be extreme and profound, not to mention the affect it can have on relationships and our physical health. Typically if you are under 35 years old and have been trying to conceive for a year or more, or over 35 years old for 6 months, you will be able to get a referral to a fertility doctor for support and to explore further options.
With acupuncture and fertility coaching, you will get a full assessment and analysis of your reproductive health, as well as a treatment plan including acupuncture protocols, dietary changes, exercise, and useful or necessary supplements. Implementing changes to your daily routine can optimize your chances of a pregnancy, and reduce the chances of miscarriage. Acupuncture can address menstrual irregularities, reduce inflammation and improve uterine blood flow, support healthy sperm production and men's health, and reduce the stress and anxiety surrounding your journey to a happy, healthy pregnancy.
Typically 10-12 acupuncture treatments are required, as well as a commitment to lifestyle and dietary changes. It is always best to treat both the female AND THE MALE PARTNER!
Fatigue, morning sickness, threatened miscarriage, pelvic pain, back pain, labour and pre-birth preparation, high blood pressure
Pregnancy is an incredible and life-altering experience, but can bring many unwanted symptoms and conditions that left unchecked can seriously disrupt daily life or worse. Nausea, fatigue, pelvic pain, back pain, shoulder pain, high blood pressure and threatened miscarriage are amongst the realities of a pregnancy, sometimes making it difficult to continue working productively, having a healthy sleep and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Acupuncture can help to reduce reliance on prescription medications for nausea, as well studies have shown acupuncture to be more successful at reducing pelvic and back pain compared to physiotherapy. Pre-birth acupuncture has also been clinically shown to reduce pain during labour and reduce the amount of pain medication required - this is amazing! A course of acupuncture treatments in the first trimester has been shown to reduce incidence of postpartum depression and acupuncture can help with lactation and pain following labour.
Treatment frequency varies, depending on which trimester you are in and what support you require. Morning sickness requires a minimum of weekly treatments until symptoms dissipate, and labour preparation typically begins at 36 weeks needling weekly or 2/weekly treatments until birth.
Stress and Sleep
Insomnia, rumination, anxiety, stress, irritability/anger, addiction support, PTSD, depression
Modern life is not always conducive to good sleep, relaxation or general stress-free living. While stress is absolutely essential to survival - keeping us safe, ensuring we eat and drink well, and supplying our bodies with information and the physical tools to allow us to navigate the world, too much time in a stressed state or a very traumatic experience can affect sleep, digestion, immunity, mood, emotions, pain response, and many other essential systems. Acupuncture is a fantastic tool to help combat the negative effects of stress because it supports balance in the nervous system, helping to down-regulate the fight-or-flight response responsible for stress symptoms.
Acupuncture can regulate emotions, boost your energy, improve sleep quality and quantity, and importantly, is a drug-free alternative. With acupuncture, every patient is considered unique and treatments are tailored to specific needs. It is easy, relaxing, accessible and can seamlessly be integrated with medical treatments such as counselling or medical prescriptions.
Treatments frequency varies depending on your situation, however weekly treatments for 6-8 weeks is one course of treatment and can address many issues. Ongoing biweekly or monthly treatments are often required for ongoing care and prevention.